Are you planning on having a child? Do you wish to know whether insurance covers the cost of having a midwife? Then you will want to read through this article.
I will provide background knowledge on what you can expect when using insurance to pay for your midwife.
You will also obtain insight into the options that are available to choose from when selecting this form of healthcare.
Many women choose to have midwives as opposed to obstetricians for a variety of reasons.
This is because this form of healthcare is considered to be far more attentive. As opposed to other forms of practice. So, what are the options available for midwives covered by insurance? obtaining a midwife with insurance?
Table of contents
What are the Different Types of Insurance Providers?
Private Insurance
Many people have this form of insurance either through Anthem, Aetna, Cigna, or an alternative private insurance company.
This form of insurance usually comes through an employer. You will be able to select the relevant premium, coverage and deductible that suits your individual requirements.
This is a public form of insurance that uses managed care to provide comprehensive coverage for individuals with lower incomes.
This form of insurance is also able to be used during pregnancy. Thus, this insurance cover midwife services.
Cost-sharing Organizations
Cost-sharing Organizations provide alternative options that function in a similar fashion to insurance companies.
However, these companies take money from monetary contributions in order to pay for health care. As opposed to paying premiums, members will pay a monthly amount in order to ensure that reserves remain.
The vast majority of CSOs contain eligibility requirements. They are also normally faith-based.
Whilst there are some that don’t have stringent rules for use, many do not allow these funds to be used for fetal testing, or abortion services.
These plans may also expect members to pay for other forms of care like preventative care, and they may only intervene to negotiate the cost and pay the medical bill once a member has maxed out their deductible.
Some of the most popular versions of CSO include the Samaritan Ministries, Christian Healthcare Ministries, and Medi-Share.
One of the biggest perks of using a CSO is that you are able to submit your application for enrolment at any time.
They also fully fulfill the requirements stipulated by the government’s mandate for health coverage. Therefore, you would usually be able to use a CSO in order to pay for the cost of having a midwife.
Which Form Of Insurance Should I Choose?

Using a CSO
The best billing outcomes are often experienced when engaging in a cost sharing program. This is because these programs provide flexibility in regard to choosing providers.
These programs also usually pay for the entire cost of maternity care, including midwives.
Women should ensure that they have contacted their CSO to check whether their midwife is registered in their individual system, and if she is not, then they should take steps to add them.
Payment is usually managed via a reimbursement process. Payment is made by the patient to the midwife in advance, and then, the CSO will reimburse the payment at a later date.
This is usually after the baby has been born and all costs have been totalled.
Thus, you should expect to pay in advance, and try to prepare for the cost of doing so in advance of your pregnancy.
Some CSOs do not make any reimbursement payment until a year after your child has been born.
Fortunately, the cost of a midwife is far less than the majority of hospital fees, and thus, it is usually far easier to plan for these costs.
Most midwives will also be flexible when establishing payment plans with their patients.
Using Medicaid to Pay for a Midwife
Whilst some midwives will accept Medicaid, some do not. You should therefore ascertain whether your midwife accepts medicaid before arranging your care.
There are numerous New Life Birth Centers across the United States, however, these centers stopped accepting payment via Medicaid in 2014.
This was stopped because Medicaid would not be willing to pay facility fees, nor cover the cost of professional services to an appropriate degree.
This was an understandable decision, although disappointing for many women, as birth centers provide a wide breadth of benefits to the patient.
However, the midwives who manage these centers have ensured that the costs remain as low as possible in order for them to remain as accessible as possible to individuals who are on a lower income.
Paying for a Home Birth
Most midwives who work with home births will accept Medicaid. There has also been discussion about the continuation of future coverage for a wide range of midwifery provisions and services.
Thus, for those women who have Medicaid and are in need of a midwife, you should always ensure that your midwife is registered as a Medicaid provider.
Then, you can apply for your exemption at 28 weeks pregnant, in order to obtain this. This makes the process of having a home birth far smoother and easier.
To conclude, yes. Midwives may be covered by insurance.
I have outlined some of the options available above, and you should ensure that you are engaging in thorough and extensive research prior to making any decisions concerning your healthcare.
Also, if you choose to pay for your care through a CSO, you should also be aware that you will need to make payment for your healthcare up front, prior Ito eventually being reimbursed.
This can pose an issue for some people who do not have the excess money to pay up front costs associated with midwifery services.
Overall, there are numerous options available for you to pay for your midwife using medical insurance.
Frequently Asked Questions
Midwives, GPs or obstetricians have no authority to agree or deny anyone a homebirth, they are there to ADVISE. Whether or not you accept their advice is entirely up to you.
Most pregnant people who choose to have planned home births deliver without problems. But research suggests that planned home births are associated with a higher risk of infant death, seizures and nervous system disorders than planned hospital births.
If there is such a thing as an “ideal” candidate for home birth, she would be a healthy woman who has not experienced complications during the pregnancy. A few situations in which home birth may not be the best option are if you: Have diabetes, gestational diabetes, or high blood pressure. Are having multiples.