Political campaigns and new elections often come attached with buzzwords and catchwords, coined by supporters, media, or the presidential candidates themselves.
Bidencare is one of those words – a neologism, in fact, that needless to say is associated with President Joe Biden.
Whether you are new to politics in the US or someone trying to make sense of US politics from outside the country, these terms—and even the US healthcare system overall—can get confusing, to say the least.
Either way, you have arrived at the right place, as this simple guide will explain Bidencare and everything you need to know about it layman’s terms, including what it entails and how it compares to Obamacare and Trumpcare.
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Bidencare Explained
Bidencare is best described as a colloquial “nickname” for the healthcare plan of President Joe Biden.
Since Obamacare in 2010, succeeding presidents of the United States have had their names prefixed to “care” as a catchy, recognizable way to refer to their healthcare plans.
And this includes Trumpcare and Bidencare.
So, Bidencare ultimately refers to the US healthcare policies President Joe Biden advocates, has put in place, and still aims to achieve, during his presidential term.
Since Joe Biden was Vice President to President Barack Obama (from 2009 to 2017), it might come as no surprise that he supported Obamacare, also known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and is currently building on it through his healthcare plan—his version of Obamacare—coined Bidencare.
What Is The Affordable Care Act?
The Affordable Care Act started in 2010 by President Obama, and was coined Obamacare.
It was introduced to reform the United States healthcare system by ultimately reducing healthcare costs and improving the quality of healthcare nationwide.
The Affordable Care Act did not replace Medicare or Medicaid, but instead reformed the existing structure behind each program to make healthcare more accessible.
While President Donald Trump effectively undid some of the reforms introduced by President Obama—under his healthcare plan, the American Health Care Act (AHCA)—President Biden is currently rebuilding the former state of the Affordable Care Act and endeavoring to improve on it.
As a result, both Obamacare and Bidencare are colloquial terms used to refer to the Affordable Care Act.
US Healthcare System Explained (Simply)
If you do not live in the United States, it goes without saying that the US healthcare system can be confusing.
There is no universal healthcare coverage in the US, so health insurance is complex and subject to individual regulations across different states.
Health insurance can be private or public, funded from the state, employers, or individuals themselves.
There are also government-funded (federal) healthcare insurance programs, such as Medicare and Medicaid.
Public health insurance is less expensive than private health insurance.
But while it is more affordable and more accessible also means that it is less flexible, which can also result in reduced and sometimes poorer healthcare options.
Put simply, without health insurance, United States citizens have to shoulder the costs of any medical services and medications themselves.
Patients are not allowed to be refused treatment in the US, but those without healthcare insurance will land in debt if medical bills cannot be paid.
Bidencare vs Obamacare

Obamacare was introduced by President Barack Obama, officially the Affordable Care Act, and Bidencare—the “new Obamacare”—is the healthcare plan currently in effect under President Joe Biden that aims to rebuild and improve on the Affordable Care Act, of which he has been an advocate since its inception.
So, what is the difference between them?
Since both terms refer to the Affordable Care Act, there is not much difference, except for how President Biden is working to improve on it.
Bidencare advocates making public government-run health insurance (including Medicaid and Medicare) more accessible to US citizens by allowing more people to be eligible.
It also advocates lower, regulated drug costs, along with a stop to surprise billing that patients often cannot cover – even with insurance.
Bidencare vs Trumpcare
Bidencare has reintroduced the Affordable Care Act and aims to build on it, while reversing a lot of the changes made to US healthcare that came into place with the Trump Administration and the American Health Care Act (ACHA), also known as Trumpcare.
Needless to say, the difference between Bidencare and Trumpcare—or the Affordable Care Act and the American Health Care Act—is greater than that between Bidencare and Obamacare.
The most notable difference is that Trumpcare did not advocate a public health plan for all, which is something Bidencare has put in effect.
While Bidencare offers greater eligibility, Trumpcare instead promoted private health insurance as a far more beneficial system to public, government-run health insurance.
Bidencare Pros And Cons
There are always advantages and disadvantages to any policy or scheme – healthcare-related or not.
And while Bidencare, the Affordable Care Act, has been approved by many US citizens, it’s not without its critics who do not consider the advantages beneficial in relation to the disadvantages.
Five Bidencare Pros
- More accessible public health insurance, including Medicaid
- Lower overall costs for health insurance and services
- Insurance coverage cannot be denied based on pre-existing conditions
- Health insurance plans must now provide ten health benefits, such as wellness visits and preventive care
- Young adults can stay under the health plans of their parents until the age of 26
Five Bidencare Cons
- The individual mandate mandate now requires citizens to purchase health insurance – or risk paying penalty taxes
- Health insurance plans have not been made necessarily cheaper for everyone
- Shopping for health insurance in the US remains complicated, involving many coverage options
- Lack of marketplace health insurance competition has caused a rise in insurance premiums
- More small businesses are required to provide health insurance for their employees, increasing SMB costs
The short answer is that Bidencare is simply a colloquial term used to refer to the Affordable Care Act, introduced by President Barack Obama in 2010, which is sometimes still also referred to as Obamacare.
President Joe Biden reintroduced the Affordable Care Act at the time of his election, reversing much of the changes that were put in place by the American Health Care Act—named Trumpcare—under President Donald Trump.
Ultimately, the above terms are unofficial, but are used by supporters, media, and sometimes the presidential candidates themselves as an easily recognizable way to refer to the healthcare plans both proposed and put in place by each US president.
Frequently Asked Questions
His plan—Bidenomics—is rooted in the recognition that the best way to grow the economy is from the middle out and the bottom up. It’s an economic vision centered around three key pillars: Making smart public investments in America. Empowering and educating workers to grow the middle class.
His plan—Bidenomics—is rooted in the recognition that the best way to grow the economy is from the middle out and the bottom up. It’s an economic vision centered around three key pillars: Making smart public investments in America. Empowering and educating workers to grow the middle class.